Kangana Ranaut had accused Bollywood recently that the people of the industry did not support them and were conspiring against them. After this Anupam Kher supported Kangana and praised him. And now Tanushree Dutta, who started the Meat Movement in India, has also come out in support of Kangna. Yes, Tanushree has not only supported Kangana but also by writing an open letter, she has also told why people are not supporting Kangna.Tanushree told Kangana A ++ Actress ...
Tanushree Dutta has written a letter to Kangna, saying that Kangna is an A ++ actress. An extra plus is because in Bollywood he is without support, without any A-list star recess or without any high profile surname, in addition to the rest of the actress, it is not like a complete and clean image. is. Tanushree also called his acting powerful.
Tanushree Dutta has written a letter to Kangna, saying that Kangna is an A ++ actress. An extra plus is because in Bollywood he is without support, without any A-list star recess or without any high profile surname, in addition to the rest of the actress, it is not like a complete and clean image. is. Tanushree also called his acting powerful.
Tanushree further wrote that Kangana people are not supporting you because they are afraid of your talent and do not like your courage. They consider themselves God. Tanushree also told that he has not seen the film so far, but his US Friends asked him to watch this movie. He told that his parents had seen this film in the opening week and he praised them very much, especially your performance.
Please tell that since the release of the movie Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi, Kangana Ranaut is having any controversy and she is in constant discussion.
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